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The Mystery of Doggerland: Atlantis in the North Sea Audiobook

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Read By: Jez Sands Publisher: Simon & Schuster/ Inner Traditions Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 3.83 hours at 1.5x Speed 2.88 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: July 2023 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781797163116

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

43:37 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

15 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

26:16 minutes

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Publisher Description

• Looks at the latest archaeological and scientific evidence preserved beneath the North Sea and on the tiny island of Fair Isle

• Examines Doggerland’s sophisticated technology, including how its people were able to melt solid rock to create vitrified structures far stronger than concrete

• Shows how the survivors of the destruction of Doggerland sailed to the British Isles and established the megalithic culture that built Stonehenge

New marine archaeological evidence has revealed the remains of a large landmass to the north of Britain that hosted an advanced civilization 1,000 years before the recognized “first” civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, or India. Remembered in Celtic legends as Tu-lay, and referred to by geologists as Doggerland or Fairland, this civilization began at least as early as 4000 BCE but was ultimately destroyed by rising sea levels, huge tsunamis, and a terrible viral epidemic released from melting permafrost during a cataclysmic period of global warming.

Exploring the latest archaeological findings and recent scientific analysis of Doggerland’s underwater remains, Graham Phillips shows that this ancient culture had sophisticated technology and advanced medical knowledge. He looks at evidence detected with remote sensing and seismic profiling of many artificial structures, complex settlements, gigantic earthworks, epic monoliths, and huge stone circles dated to more than 5,500 years ago preserved beneath the ground and on the ocean floor. He also looks at the small part of the Fairland landmass that still exists: Fair Isle, a tiny island some 45 miles north of the Orkney Islands of Scotland. Phillips shows how, when Fairland sank beneath the waves around 3100 BCE, its last survivors traveled by boat to settle in the British Isles, where they established the megalithic culture that built Stonehenge.

Revealing the vast archaeological evidence in support of the existence of Doggerland, as well as its threads of influence in early cultures around the world, Phillips also shows how the fate of this sophisticated ancient culture is a warning from history: the cataclysmic events that happened to the first civilizations could happen again as the world heats up.

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"Graham Phillips has made a powerful case for advanced prediluvian civilization in Europe. In fact, the sunken kingdom of Doggerland, only recently discovered at the bottom of the North Sea, resembles in many ways the lost world called Atlantis by Plato. Phillips does a great job of showing the connections between the mythic megalithic culture we have dreamed about for many centuries and one we had long forgotten but which may be the true homeland of the British people. A wonderful and intriguing read.”"


  • Graham Phillips has made a powerful case for advanced prediluvian “Phillips’s thorough investigations of this fascinating topic reveal not only a prehistoric lost world that is today rewriting history but also the genesis point of the stone circle culture whose greatest achievement was Stonehenge. An important addition to the bookshelf of anyone into the mysteries of the megaliths.”

  • Graham Phillips’s well-researched, well-written book neatly places a number of missing pieces in the puzzle of the Orkney megalithic tradition and the broader ancient region of Doggerland. He presents these in context with a range of informative viewpoints on prediluvian cultures including Atlantis, Mu, and Lemuria.”

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