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La primera pijamada de Uni (Unicornio uni)(Uni the Unicorn Uni's First Sleepover Spanish Edition) Audiobook

La primera pijamada de Uni (Unicornio uni)(Uni the Unicorn Unis First Sleepover Spanish Edition) Audiobook, by Amy  Krouse Rosenthal Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Victoria Villarreal Publisher: Random House Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0 hours and 04 min. at 1.5x Speed 0 hours and 04 min. at 2.0x Speed Release Date: May 2022 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9780593606834

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

03:15 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

13 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

01:21 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

¡Presentando a Unicornio Uni EN ESPAÑOL! En esta edición en español del álbum ilustrado Paso 2, Uni y sus amigos se embarcan en una pijamada mágica y llena de diversión.   ¡Sigue a Uni en esta edición en español de su primera aventura de LEYENDO A PASOS! En este libro Paso 2, Uni tiene su primera pijamada. Los otros unicornios ya han ido a otras pijamadas y se saben MUCHOS juegos mágicos. Los juegos son difíciles para Uni y, al llegar la hora de irse a dormir, Uni no se está divirtiendo. ¿Podrá Uni encontrar la manera de aportar a la diversión?   LEYENDO A PASOS es una línea de Step into Reading que ofrece ediciones en español de libros nivelados. Los libros Paso 2 usan vocabulario básico y enunciados cortos para contar historias sencillas. Son perfectos para pequeños que identifican algunas palabras visualmente y logran leer palabras nuevas con un poco de ayuda.   Introducing Uni the Unicorn EN ESPAÑOL! In this Spanish edition of the Step 2 reader, Uni and friends go on a magical, fun-filled sleepover.   Join Uni the Unicorn in this Spanish edition of Uni's Step into Reading adventure! In this Step 2 book, it's Uni's very first sleepover! The other unicorns have been to sleepovers before, and have learned LOTS of magical games. Uni struggles with game after game, and by bedtime, Uni isn't having a very good time. Will Uni find a way to contribute to the fun? LEYENDO A PASOS is a line from Step into Reading offering leveled readers in Spanish. Step 2 readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories. They are perfect for children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.

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About Amy Krouse Rosenthal

Amy Krouse Rosenthal is the author of picture book favorites such as Little Pea, Little Hoot, Cookies: Bite-Size Life Lessons, and The OK Book. She has also written several books for adults including Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life. She lives with her family in Chicago.