William Shakespeare Audio Books

If you seek recorded renditions of William Shakespeare's most celebrated works you'll love our downloadable audio library. Here at AudiobookStore.com you'll find all of Shakespeare's most popular plays including Hamlet, Othello and The Taming of the Shrew to name a few. Browse our impressively comprehensive collection to find all of the William Shakespeare plays you're looking for and enjoy being able to download them immediately. It's really that easy to start listening to the Bard's brilliant writing today!

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Extended Sample The Tempest (abridged) by William Shakespeare
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Extended Sample The Two Gentlemen of Verona (abridged) by William Shakespeare
Extended Sample Measure for Measure (abridged) by William Shakespeare
Extended Sample A Midsummer Night's Dream (abridged) by William Shakespeare
Extended Sample All's Well That Ends Well (abridged) by William Shakespeare
Extended Sample Coriolanus (abridged) by William Shakespeare
Extended Sample Cymbeline (abridged) by William Shakespeare
Extended Sample Macbeth (abridged) by William Shakespeare
Extended Sample Julius Caesar (abridged) by William Shakespeare
Extended Sample King Lear (abridged) by William Shakespeare
Extended Sample Twelfth Night (abridged) by William Shakespeare
Extended Sample Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
Sample Unavailable The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare
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