
William Martin Audio Books

William Martin is the New York Times bestselling author of twelve novels, an award-winning PBS documentary on the life of George Washington, and a cult-classic horror film as well. In novels like Back Bay, City of Dreams, The Lost Constitution, The Lincoln Letter, and Bound for Gold, he has told stories of the great and the anonymous of American history, and he has taken readers from the deck of the Mayflower to 9/11. His work has earned him many accolades and honors, including the 2005 New England Book Award, the 2015 Samuel Eliot Morison Award, and the 2019 Robert B. Parker Award. He serves on the boards of several cultural and historical institutions.

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Extended Sample The Daily Tao by William Martin
Extended Sample The Sage's Tao Te Ching, 20th Anniversary Edition by William Martin
Extended Sample The Couple's Tao Te Ching by William Martin
Extended Sample The Parent's Tao Te Ching by William Martin
Extended Sample December '41 by William Martin
Extended Sample Annapolis by William Martin
Extended Sample The Rising of the Moon by William Martin
Extended Sample A Prophet with Honor by William Martin
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