
Tama Kieves Audio Books

Tama Kieves was an honors graduate of Harvard Law School. She left her law practice with an elite corporate law firm to write and help others discover and live their life’s work. She is a bestselling author and has been featured on Oprah radio and Martha Stewart Living radio. Kieves is a sought-after speaker and career coach who has helped thousands worldwide to discover, launch, and thrive in the life, calling, and businesses of their dreams. She is on the faculty of the Omega Institute, the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, and has presented at TEDx. She has been teaching A Course in Miracles, an internationally known program of choosing love instead of fear, for over twenty years.

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Extended Sample Thriving Through Uncertainty by Tama Kieves
Extended Sample A Year Without Fear by Tama Kieves
Extended Sample Inspired & Unstoppable by Tama Kieves
Sample Unavailable Learning to Trust Yourself by Tama Kieves
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