
Shaka Senghor Audio Books

Shaka Senghor is a writer, mentor, and motivational speaker whose story of redemption has inspired thousands. While serving nineteen years in prison, Senghor discovered redemption and responsibility through literature, his own writing, and the kindness of others. He is the author of six books, a former Director’s Fellow at the MIT Media Lab, a Community Leadership Fellow with the Kellogg Foundation, and the founder of the Atonement Project, which helps victims and violent offenders heal through the power of the arts. He currently serves as the director of Strategy and Innovation with #cut50, a bipartisan initiative to safely and smartly reduce the US prison population in half by 2025, and speaks regularly at high schools, prisons, churches, and universities around the country.

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Extended Sample Writing My Wrongs by Shaka Senghor
Extended Sample Letters to the Sons of Society by Shaka Senghor
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