
Ruth Haley Barton Audio Books

Ruth Haley Barton, DD, is founding president of the Transforming Center, a spiritual formation ministry to pastors and Christian leaders. A trained spiritual director, teacher, and retreat leader, she has served on the pastoral staff of several churches, including Willow Creek Community Church. A sought-after teacher, preacher, and consultant to leadership teams, she is currently adjunct professor of spiritual transformation at Northern Seminary. Educated at Wheaton College, Northern Seminary and Loyola University Chicago Institute for Pastoral Studies, Ruth is the author of numerous books and resources on the spiritual life, including Invitation to Solitude and Silence, Sacred Rhythms, Longing for More, and Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership.

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Extended Sample Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership by Ruth Haley Barton
Extended Sample Invitation to Solitude and Silence by Ruth Haley Barton
Extended Sample Embracing Rhythms of Work and Rest by Ruth Haley Barton
Extended Sample Momentos Sagrados by Ruth Haley Barton
Extended Sample Una invitación al silencio y a la quietud by Ruth Haley Barton
Extended Sample Invitation to Retreat by Ruth Haley Barton
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