
Ruby Loren Audio Books

Esther Wane is a British actor and voice-over artist. After a career in finance, she fulfilled a childhood dream of going to drama school in London, and her life as an actor began at age forty. She has a lifelong passion for literature and can often be found browsing bookshops during any spare moments. Wane enjoys taking her listeners on a journeys in time and space and bringing the characters on the page to life in their imagination. She lives with her family and collection of books in Hertfordshire, just outside London.

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Extended Sample The Lord Beneath the Lupins by Ruby Loren
Extended Sample Peonies and Poison by Ruby Loren
Extended Sample Poinsettias and the Perfect Crime by Ruby Loren
Extended Sample Delphiniums and Deception by Ruby Loren
Extended Sample Gardenias and a Grave Mistake by Ruby Loren
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