
R.D. Brady Audio Books

R. D. Brady is an American writer who grew up on Long Island, New York. On her way to becoming a full-time writer, R. D. received a PhD in Criminology and taught for ten years at a small liberal arts college. R. D. left the glamorous life of grading papers behind in 2013 with the publication of her first novel, the supernatural action adventure The Belial Stone. Over a dozen novels later and hundreds of thousands of books sold, and she hasn’t looked back. Her novels tap into her criminological background, her years spent studying martial arts, and the unexplained aspects of our history.

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Extended Sample S.A.V.E. by R.D. Brady
Extended Sample R.I.S.E. by R.D. Brady
Extended Sample D.E.A.D. by R.D. Brady
Extended Sample A.L.I.V.E. by R.D. Brady
Extended Sample Proxy by R.D. Brady
Extended Sample Seek by R.D. Brady
Extended Sample Protect by R.D. Brady
Sample Unavailable Into the Dark by R.D. Brady
Sample Unavailable Into the Cage by R.D. Brady
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