
Raymond Benson Audio Books

Raymond Benson is the author of over forty published books. He is most well-known as the third—and first American—author of continuation James Bond novels, commissioned by the Ian Fleming copyright holders. In total, six original 007 novels, three film novelizations, and three short stories were published worldwide between 1997 and 2002. His bestselling and critically praised five-book serial, The Black Stiletto, is in development as a possible film or TV series.

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Extended Sample The Mad, Mad Murders of Marigold Way by Raymond Benson
Extended Sample The World is Not Enough by Raymond Benson
Extended Sample Tomorrow Never Dies by Raymond Benson
Extended Sample Zero Minus Ten by Raymond Benson
Extended Sample The Man with the Red Tattoo by Raymond Benson
Extended Sample Doubleshot by Raymond Benson
Extended Sample High Time to Kill by Raymond Benson
Extended Sample Never Dream of Dying by Raymond Benson
Extended Sample The Facts of Death by Raymond Benson
Extended Sample Mystery Writers of America Presents Ice Cold by Mystery Writers of America
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