
Nicholas Sheridan Stanton Audio Books

Nicholas Sheridan Stanton, after a thirty-year career in the aerospace industry, is now a writer by choice and spends his time observing and living life as fully as possible. His books include Gabriel’s Promise, The Migrant, The Gumshoe Diaries, KK Undercover Mystery: The Cookie Caper, and KK Undercover Mystery: The Haunted Field Trip. He lives in Southern California.

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Extended Sample KK Undercover Mystery: The Haunted Field Trip by Nicholas Sheridan Stanton
Extended Sample Gabriel’s Promise by Nicholas Sheridan Stanton
Extended Sample The Gumshoe Diaries: Fortune Cookies Always Lie by Nicholas Sheridan Stanton
Extended Sample KK Undercover Mystery: The Cookie Caper by Nicholas Sheridan Stanton
Extended Sample The Migrant by Nicholas Sheridan Stanton
Sample Unavailable The Gumshoe Diaries: Father Hollyweird by Nicholas Sheridan Stanton
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