
Morgan Rhodes Audio Books

Morgan Rhodes always wanted to be a princess—the kind that knows how to wield a sharp sword to save kingdoms and princes from fire-breathing dragons and dark wizards. Instead, she became a writer, which is just as good and much less dangerous. Along with writing, Morgan enjoys photography, travel, and reality TV, and is an extremely picky yet voracious reader of all kinds of books. She lives in Ontario, Canada.

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Extended Sample Legends and Liars by Morgan Rhodes
Extended Sample Echoes and Empires by Morgan Rhodes
Extended Sample Immortal Reign by Morgan Rhodes
Extended Sample Crystal Storm by Morgan Rhodes
Extended Sample Frozen Tides by Morgan Rhodes
Extended Sample A Book of Spirits and Thieves by Morgan Rhodes
Extended Sample Gathering Darkness by Morgan Rhodes
Extended Sample Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes
Extended Sample Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes
Extended Sample Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes
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