
Michael C. Grumley Audio Books

Michael C. Grumley lives in Northern California with his wife and two young daughters where he works in the Information Technology field. He’s an avid reader, runner and most of all father. He dotes on his girls every chance he gets. He has recently released Leap, the long awaited sequel to Breakthrough, and is currently working on the next Evan After story.

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Extended Sample Deep Freeze by Michael C. Grumley
Extended Sample Mosaic by Michael C. Grumley
Extended Sample Ripple by Michael C. Grumley
Extended Sample Leap by Michael C. Grumley
Extended Sample Breakthrough by Michael C. Grumley
Extended Sample Catalyst by Michael C. Grumley
Extended Sample Through the Fog by Michael C. Grumley
Sample Unavailable Cold Storage by Michael C. Grumley
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