
Maetreyii Ma Nolan Audio Books

In addition to being an author of five books, Maetreyii Ma Nolan is a licensed psychologist with a doctorate in Transpersonal Psychology, a teacher of yogic philosophy and ancient wisdom, an ERYI 500 Yoga Teacher, and an ordained yogic minister, or Acharya. She is the co-founder and former president of Ananda Seva Mission, and a former director of and teacher in the Ananda Seva Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Therapy certification trainings. Dr. Nolan was also a former director of the Spiritual Emergence Network and a founding member of the Kundalini Research Network. Maetreyii Ma is currently the president of Ananda Gurukula, a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the wisdom teachings of yoga and a psychologist in private practice. She also leads workshops, seminars and retreats featuring these teachings.

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Extended Sample Dharma for Awakening and Social Change by Maetreyii Ma Nolan
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