
Lauren Kratz Prushko Audio Books

Lauren Kratz had been a children’s librarian for fifteen years, including at The New York Public Library in the Bronx and now the Los Angeles Public Library. Lauren manages the Octavia Lab, a DIY makerspace at the Los Angeles Public Library. She also works as a content developer for the 2022 and 2023 Modern Library Platinum Award Winner LibraryCall, where she develops and records original and diverse stories which children can listen to from around the country.

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Extended Sample Cuentos de alrededor del mundo, volumen 1 by Lorena Romero
Extended Sample Cuentos Clásicos Para Niños by The Brothers Grimm
Extended Sample Bessie Stringfield: Motorcycle Queen by Lauren Kratz Prushko
Extended Sample Doctor Mae Jemison Orbiting the Earth by Lauren Kratz Prushko
Extended Sample Isatou Ceesay: Queen of Recycling by Lauren Kratz Prushko
Extended Sample La Doctora Mae Jemison orbitando La Tierra by Lauren Kratz Prushko
Extended Sample Waslene y la madrina del bosque by Lauren Kratz Prushko
Extended Sample Waslene and the Forest Godmother by Lauren Kratz Prushko
Extended Sample Storytime from around the World by A. A. Milne
Extended Sample Calypso in the Kitchen by Lauren Kratz Prushko
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