
Kristina Forest Audio Books

Kristina Forest was born and raised in Lawnside, New Jersey, a teeny tiny town that was also the first self-governing African American community north of the Mason-Dixon line. She started dancing when she was seven and her dream job was to be a backup dancer for Michael Jackson. By the time she was seventeen, she’d realized she loved writing more than dancing, so she enrolled at Rowan University and majored in Writing Arts, and then earned an MFA in Creative Writing at the New School. Kristina work in children’s book publishing, and lives in Brooklyn, New York with two huge bookshelves. The Pointe of Everything is her first novel.

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Extended Sample The Love Lyric by Kristina Forest
Extended Sample The Partner Plot by Kristina Forest
Extended Sample The Neighbor Favor by Kristina Forest
Extended Sample Zyla & Kai by Kristina Forest
Extended Sample Now That I've Found You by Kristina Forest
Extended Sample I Wanna Be Where You Are by Kristina Forest
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