
Kathy Lien Audio Books

Kathy Lien is the Director of Currency Research for Global Forex Trading, a division of Global Futures & Forex, Ltd. Prior to joining GFT, Lien was the chief strategist of and an associate at JPMorgan Chase, where she worked in cross-markets and foreign exchange trading. As an internationally renowned currency strategist, Lien specializes in combining fundamental and technical analysis. With more than ten years of currency trading experience, Lien is a frequent guest host of CNBC Asia and Sky Business News and has appeared on CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox Business, and Reuters. She is a regulator contributor to Active TraderFutures, and SFO magazines and is quoted by financial publications around the world. Lien is also the author of the two editions of Day Trading and Swing Trading the Currency Market and Millionaire Traders.

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Extended Sample Millionaire Traders by Kathy Lien
Extended Sample Day Trading and Swing Trading the Currency Market by Kathy Lien
Extended Sample The Little Book of Currency Trading by Kathy Lien
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