
Joel B. Pollak Audio Books

Joel Pollak is senior editor-at-large and in-house counsel at Breitbart News. Prior to joining Breitbart, Pollak was a Tea Party–backed Republican candidate for Congress in Illinois and a research fellow at the Hudson Institute, focusing on human rights and international law. Born in South Africa, Pollak became a US citizen in 1987. He holds law and bachelor’s degrees from Harvard and a master’s degree from the University of Cape Town. Pollak has authored several books, including Wacko Birds: The Fall (and Rise) of the Tea Party, The Kasrils Affair: Jews and Minority Politics in Post-Apartheid South Africa, and Don’t Tell Me Words Don’t Matter: How Rhetoric Won the 2008 Presidential Election. He is a contributor to Canada’s Sun News Network, a frequent guest on Fox News and CNN, and lives with his wife and daughter in Santa Monica, California.

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Extended Sample Red November by Joel B. Pollak
Extended Sample How Trump Won by Joel B. Pollak
Extended Sample See No Evil by Joel B. Pollak
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