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Jane Roberts (May 8, 1929 - September 5, 1984) grew up in Saratoga Springs, New York where she attended Skidmore College. Jane was a prolific writer in a variety of genres including poetry, short stories,children’s literature, fiction, and non-fiction. Her international bestselling non-fiction books include Seth Speaks, The Nature of Personal Reality, The Nature of the Psyche, and The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events. Her enormously popular novels include The Education of Oversoul Seven, The Further Education of Oversoul Seven,and Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time (now published as The Oversoul Seven Trilogy). Yale University Library maintains a collection of Jane’s writings, journals, poetry, and audio and video recordings that were donated after her death by her husband, Robert F. Butts. —This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. |