
Jaime Castle Audio Books

Jaime Castle is the Washington Post and #1 Audible bestselling author of The Luna Missile Crisis, the Buried Goddess Saga—which includes the IPPY Award–winning Web of Eyes—and more. Hailing from the great nation of Texas, he lives with his wife and two children and enjoys anything creative. Castle cohosts Keystroke Medium, a popular podcast devoted to reading, writing, and everything in between. His office looks as if Marvel and DC vomited on his walls and he refuses to clean it up.

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Extended Sample Cold as Hell by Rhett C. Bruno
Extended Sample Reclamation by Jaime Castle
Extended Sample Divine Intervention by Jaime Castle
Extended Sample Purgatory by Jaime Castle
Extended Sample Vein Pursuits by Rhett C. Bruno
Sample Unavailable Ace in the Hole by Rhett C. Bruno
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