
George MacDonald Fraser Audio Books

George MacDonald Fraser (1925-2008) was an English-born author of Scottish decent. He  worked for newspapers in both Britain and Canada, and wrote the famous Flashman Papers series of novels. He also wrote numerous screenplays, most notably The Three Musketeers and the James Bond film, Octopussy.

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Extended Sample Flashman and the Angel of the Lord by George MacDonald Fraser
Extended Sample Captain in Calico by George MacDonald Fraser
Extended Sample Flash for Freedom! by George MacDonald Fraser
Extended Sample Flashman by George MacDonald Fraser
Extended Sample Flashman and the Dragon by George MacDonald Fraser
Extended Sample Flashman and the Red Skins by George MacDonald Fraser
Extended Sample Flashman at the Charge by George MacDonald Fraser
Extended Sample Royal Flash by George MacDonald Fraser
Extended Sample Mr. American by George MacDonald Fraser
Extended Sample Flashman and the Mountain of Light by George MacDonald Fraser
Extended Sample Flashman and the Tiger by George MacDonald Fraser
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