
Garrett M. Graff Audio Books

Garrett M. Graff, a journalist and historian, is the author of numerous books, including the highly praised Watergate: A New History, which was a finalist for the 2023 Pulitzer Prize for History. Watergate and The Only Plane in the Sky were New York Times bestsellers. As a journalist, he spent more than a dozen years covering politics, technology, and national security. He serves as the director of cyber initiatives for the Aspen Institute and is a contributor to Wired, CNN, and Politico. He has written for publications from Esquire and Rolling Stone to the New York Times. He has edited two of Washington’s most prestigious magazines, Washingtonian and Politico.

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Extended Sample Watergate by Garrett M. Graff
Extended Sample When the Sea Came Alive by Garrett M. Graff
Extended Sample World on the Brink by Garrett M. Graff
Extended Sample UFO by Garrett M. Graff
Extended Sample The Only Plane in the Sky by Garrett M. Graff
Extended Sample Dawn of the Code War by John P. Carlin
Extended Sample The Threat Matrix by Garrett M. Graff
Extended Sample Raven Rock by Garrett M. Graff
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