
Emily Brightwell Audio Books

Emily Brightwell was born in the Appalachian mountains of West Virginia. Her family moved to Southern California in 1959 and she grew up in Pasadena. After graduating from CSU Fullerton, she decided to work her way around the world and started in England. She didn’t get any further because she met her future husband there, got married, and moved back to California. While living in Long Beach, she decided to pursue her dream and be a writer—despite having two children and a full-time job. She began the Mrs. Jeffries series in 1993 and has written more than thirty more mysteries in the series in the following twenty-plus years. Now that her children are grown and have left home, Emily and her husband live in the Bay Area.

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Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries and the Feast of St. Stephen by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries and the Best Laid Plans by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Pinches the Post by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Aims to Win by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries and the Midwinter Murders by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Demands Justice by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries and the Alms of the Angel by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Delivers the Goods by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries and the Three Wise Women by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Rights a Wrong by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Wins the Prize by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries and the One Who Got Away by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries and the Merry Gentlemen by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Turns the Tide by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Defends Her Own by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries and the Yuletide Weddings by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries & the Mistletoe Mix-Up by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Forges Ahead by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries in the Nick of Time by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Speaks Her Mind by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Holds the Trump by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Appeals the Verdict by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries and the Silent Knight by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Stalks the Hunter by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Sweeps the Chimney by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Pleads Her Case by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Weeds the Plot by Emily Brightwell
Extended Sample Mrs. Jeffries Rocks the Boat by Emily Brightwell
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