
Elie Wiesel Audio Books

Elie Wiesel (1928–2016) was the author of more than fifty books, both fiction and nonfiction, including his masterly memoir Night. He was awarded the United States Congressional Gold Medal, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the rank of Grand-Croix in the French Legion of Honor, an honorary knighthood of the British Empire, and, in 1986, the Nobel Peace Prize. Since 1976, he served as the the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Boston University.

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Extended Sample Filled with Fire and Light by Elie Wiesel
Extended Sample The Tale of a Niggun by Elie Wiesel
Extended Sample Open Heart by Elie Wiesel
Extended Sample Hostage by Elie Wiesel
Extended Sample The Forgotten by Elie Wiesel
Extended Sample The Forgotten by Elie Wiesel
Extended Sample The Judges by Elie Wiesel
Extended Sample Rashi by Elie Wiesel
Extended Sample The Sonderberg Case by Elie Wiesel
Extended Sample A Mad Desire to Dance by Elie Wiesel
Extended Sample Dawn by Elie Wiesel
Extended Sample Day by Elie Wiesel
Extended Sample All Rivers Run to the Sea by Elie Wiesel
Extended Sample A Beggar in Jerusalem by Elie Wiesel
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