
David Young Audio Books

David Young is a public speaker and teacher of over 350 meditation workshops, a painter who won Best Booth at Art Basel/Spectrum in 2018, and a twice Grammy Award nominated musician. He is also a healer and an evidential channeler. As a musician, he plays two Renaissance flutes at one time in harmony. He has recorded sixty albums and sold over 1,000,000 copies. His music, well known for its soothing sounds and healing properties, is a staple in hospitals, healing centers, and spas throughout the country, including at the Johns Hopkins Medical Centers, which have entire floors that play his music 24/7. It has been estimated that over 300,000 people are treated daily all over the world while listening to his music. He travels throughout the country hosting his signature workshops, A Portal Between Heaven and Earth, which combine his healing music and guided meditations and where countless attendees report out-of-body experiences, past-life regressions, and/or contact with ascended masters and past loved ones.

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Extended Sample King Jesus and the Beauty of Obedience-Based Discipleship by David Young
Extended Sample The True Story of Jesus and His Wife Mary Magdalena by David Young
Extended Sample La verdadera historia de Jesús y su esposa María Magdalena by David Young
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