
Clarence B. Carson Audio Books

Clarence B. Carson (1925–2003), author and lecturer, recieved a BS in education and an MA in history from Auburn University, as well as a PhD in history from Vanderbilt University. He has served in the US Army, taught at the high school and college levels, and authored ten books and over five hundred articles.

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Extended Sample A Basic History of the United States, Vol. 1 by Clarence B. Carson
Extended Sample Basic Economics by Clarence B. Carson
Extended Sample A Basic History of the United States, Vol. 4 by Clarence B. Carson
Extended Sample A Basic History of the United States, Vol. 5 by Clarence B. Carson
Extended Sample A Basic History of the United States, Vol. 6 by Clarence B. Carson
Extended Sample A Basic History of the United States, Vol. 2 by Clarence B. Carson
Extended Sample A Basic History of the United States, Vol. 3 by Clarence B. Carson
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