
Catherine Lloyd Audio Books

Catherine Lloyd was born just outside London, England, into a large family of dreamers, artists, and history lovers. She completed her education with a master’s degree in history at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, and uses the skills she gained there to research and write her historical mysteries. Catherine currently lives in Hawaii with her husband and four children. Her website is located at

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Extended Sample Miss Morton and the Deadly Inheritance by Catherine Lloyd
Extended Sample Miss Morton and the Spirits of the Underworld by Catherine Lloyd
Extended Sample Miss Morton and the English House Party Murder by Catherine Lloyd
Extended Sample Death Comes to London by Catherine Lloyd
Extended Sample Death Comes to the Village by Catherine Lloyd
Extended Sample Death Comes to the Rectory by Catherine Lloyd
Extended Sample Death Comes to the Nursery by Catherine Lloyd
Extended Sample Death Comes to Bath by Catherine Lloyd
Extended Sample Death Comes to the School by Catherine Lloyd
Extended Sample Death Comes to the Fair by Catherine Lloyd
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