
Carol Berkin Audio Books

Carol Berkin received her bachelor’s degree from Barnard College and her doctorate degree from Columbia University. She taught at Baruch College from 1972 to 2008 and has taught at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York since 1983. Her books include Civil War Wives, Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America’s Independence, A Brilliant Solution: Inventing the American Constitution, Jonathan Sewall: Odyssey of an American Loyalist, and First Generations: Women in Colonial America. She divides her time between New York City and Guilford, Connecticut.

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Extended Sample Women of the American Revolution by Carol Berkin
Extended Sample What the Founding Fathers were Really Like (and What We can Learn from Them Today) by Carol Berkin
Extended Sample Civil War Wives by Carol Berkin
Extended Sample Revolutionary Mothers by Carol Berkin
Extended Sample A Sovereign People by Carol Berkin
Extended Sample A Brilliant Solution by Carol Berkin
Extended Sample The Bill of Rights by Carol Berkin
Extended Sample Wondrous Beauty by Carol Berkin
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