
Bob Welch Audio Books

Bob Welch is the author more than twenty books, including the bestselling Easy Company Soldier, written with Don Malarkey himself. He is an award-winning journalist and his work has been published in more than a dozen books, including seven in the popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series. In addition, Welch’s articles have been published in the Los Angeles Times, Reader’s Digest, Sports Illustrated, and Runner’s World. Welch lives in Eugene, Oregon.

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Extended Sample 52 Little Lessons from A Christmas Carol by Bob Welch
Extended Sample The Wizard of Foz by Bob Welch
Extended Sample 52 Little Lessons from It's a Wonderful Life by Bob Welch
Extended Sample Saving My Enemy by Bob Welch
Extended Sample Lessons on the Way to Heaven by Michael Fechner
Extended Sample Easy Company Soldier by Don Malarkey
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