
Bernd Heinrich Audio Books

Bernd Heinrich is an acclaimed scientist and the author of numerous award-winning books, including the bestselling The Mind of the Raven, Why We Run, and Winter World. Among his many honors is the 2013 PEN New England Award in nonfiction for Life Everlasting. Mind of the Raven won the John Burroughs Medal for Natural History Writing and was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize. He is a frequent contributor to national media and professor emeritus of biology at the University of Vermont.

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Extended Sample Why We Run by Bernd Heinrich
Extended Sample Racing the Clock by Bernd Heinrich
Extended Sample White Feathers by Bernd Heinrich
Extended Sample The Trees in My Forest by Bernd Heinrich
Extended Sample A Naturalist at Large by Bernd Heinrich
Extended Sample Mind of the Raven by Bernd Heinrich
Extended Sample One Wild Bird at a Time by Bernd Heinrich
Extended Sample Winter World by Bernd Heinrich
Extended Sample Summer World by Bernd Heinrich
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