
Amy Blackthorn Audio Books

Amy Blackthorn has been described as an “arcane horticulturalist” for her lifelong work with magical plants and teaching of Hoodoo. She incorporates her experiences in British Traditional Witchcraft with her horticulture studies. She has a certification in aromatherapy and is ordained through the Gryphon’s Grove School of Shamanism. Amy’s company, Blackthorn Hoodoo Blends, creates tea based on old Hoodoo herbal formulas. She lives in Delaware. Visit her at

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Extended Sample Blackthorn's Botanical Wellness by Amy Blackthorn
Extended Sample Blackthorn's Protection Magic by Amy Blackthorn
Extended Sample Seasons of a Magical Life by Amy Blackthorn
Extended Sample Blackthorn's Botanical Brews by Amy Blackthorn
Extended Sample Sacred Smoke by Amy Blackthorn
Extended Sample Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic by Amy Blackthorn
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