
A. S. Byatt Audio Books

A. S. Byatt (1936–2023) was a distinguished critic and author of numerous works, including Possession: A Romance, which won the Booker Prize for Fiction, the Irish Times International Fiction Prize, and the Commonwealth Writers Prize. Her other works also garnered awards and acclaim, and she was granted numerous honorary degrees. She was educated at Newnham College, Cambridge; Bryn Mawr College; and Somerville College, Oxford. In 1999 she was made Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

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Extended Sample Medusa's Ankles by A. S. Byatt
Extended Sample The Virgin in the Garden by A. S. Byatt
Extended Sample The Game by A. S. Byatt
Extended Sample The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye by A. S. Byatt
Extended Sample The Matisse Stories by A. S. Byatt
Extended Sample The Matisse Stories by A. S. Byatt
Extended Sample The Children's Book by A. S. Byatt
Extended Sample Angels & Insects by A. S. Byatt
Extended Sample A Whistling Woman by A. S. Byatt
Extended Sample Possession by A. S. Byatt
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