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World War II: Europe (Abridged): A History Channel Audiobook Audiobook

World War II: Europe (Abridged): A History Channel Audiobook Audiobook, by History Channel Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Fritz Weaver, Jack Perkins, Paul Sparer Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 2.67 hours at 1.5x Speed 2.00 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: June 2002 Format: Abridged Audiobook ISBN: 9780743541114

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

73:38 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

43:02 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

59:29 minutes

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Publisher Description

Relive history as the men who experienced the most intense battles of World WarII share their stories. The WWII Battle Classsic -- produced as major TV specials by Lou Reda Productions -- have been brilliantly adapted for this thirilling audio presentation. This is essential history, told by the eyewitness heroes who were there. World WarII: Europe features full orchestration and the clamor of desperate battle.

Patton: A Genius For War While the names of great WWII commanders have faded into the history books, the name "Patton" rings out with resounding force. It evokes a profane, "go-for-the throat, hell-on-wheels commander whose armored columns dismembered Hitler's "thousand-year-Reich" with matchless thunder and dash.

Rommel: The Last Knight He served the cruelest monster who ever lived yet emerged with his reputation shining. His military brilliance inflicted crushing defeats upon French, English and American generals, who nonetheless regarded him with awe and respect. His men loved him. His enemies feared him. No one forgot him.

D-Day Normandy: June 6th, 1944 The story of how close to disaster the D-Day invasion came has never been fully told. Listen to those who shared in Normandy's longest day.

David Pergrin: The Panzer Stopper The legendary heroes of the Battle of the Bulge got all the glory. It was a tiny band of unsung heroes that saved the battle -- perhaps the outcome of the war -- for the Allies. This is the story of David Pergrin and the kid engineers who slammed the door in Hitler's face.

Peter Tomkins: The Spy That Sparred With Hitler Peter Tompkins, a twenty-three year old American spy in Nazi-oppressed Italy, operated far behind enemy lines wth a price ion his head. On his own, without help or refuge, he led Italian partisans in a devastating campaign of espionage and sabotage against the occupying Nazis.

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About Fritz Weaver

Jack Perkins, a renowned correspondent, commentator, and anchorman, was named the “most literate network correspondent” by the Associated Press and nominated for an Emmy Award for his coverage of the 1972 Olympics in Japan. Beginning in 1990 he hosted many of A&E’s most acclaimed programs hosted the network’s flagship series, Biography. He was also an occasional host on NBC Nightly News, The Huntley-Brinkley Report, and The Today Show.