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World Class: One Mother's Journey Halfway Around the Globe in Search of the Best Education for Her Children Audiobook

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Read By: Teru Clavel Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 6.00 hours at 1.5x Speed 4.50 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: August 2019 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781508298441

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

67:31 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

18 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

25:26 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

An eye-opening firsthand exploration of why Asian students are outpacing their American counterparts, and how to help our children excel in today’s competitive world.

When Teru Clavel had young children, the oldest barely two, she watched as her friends and fellow parents vied to secure a spot in the right New York City preschools. Following a gut feeling that a truly world-class education involves more than the privilege and ennui of elite private schools, Teru and her family moved to Asia, embarking on a ten-year-long journey through the public schools of Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Tokyo.

During this time, Teru discovered firsthand why students in China and Japan are far outpacing their American counterparts. In Hong Kong, her children’s school was nicknamed The Prison for its foreboding, austere facilities, yet her three-year-old loved his teachers and his nightly homework. In Shanghai, in a school without flush toilets, the students were kept late not out of punishment but to master the day’s lesson. In Tokyo, her children and their classmates were responsible for school chores, like preparing and serving school lunches—lunches that featured grilled fish, stewed vegetables, and miso soup, not hot dogs and french fries.

These schools were low-tech and bare-bones, with teachers who demanded obedience and order. Yet Teru was shocked to discover that her children thrived in these foreign and academically competitive cultures; they learned to be independent, self-confident, and resilient, and, above all, they developed a deep and abiding love of learning. The true culture shock came when Teru returned to the States and found their top-rated California school woefully ill-prepared to challenge her children. Her kids were passing, but the schools were failing them.

In this revelatory book, Teru shares what she learned during her decade in Asia, providing practical tips and takeaways to bring the best of Asia’s education and parenting philosophies into American homes and schools. Written with warmth and humor, World Class is an insightful guide to set your children on a path towards lifelong learning and success.

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“This book changed me. It’s a must-read.”

— Angela C. Santomero, author of Radical Kindness

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About Teru Clavel

Teru Clavel is an education expert, columnist, and sought-after public speaker. Since 2010, she’s run her own education consulting practice, advising globally-minded families on a range of issues that include multiple language acquisition, school choice, and how to enroll their children in United States universities. Teru has written columns on education for both The Japan Times and The Financial Times, and she’s made appearances on CBS This Morning, CNBC’s Squawk Box, and Channel NewsAsia. Teru spent a decade raising her family in Asia, and while there, she obtained an MS in Comparative International Education from Drexel University. She recently returned to New York with her family.