Is There a Doctor in the House?
Finally, answers to all those strange questions you'd like to ask your own doctor but haven't had the guts (or more likely the time) to do so. If you've ever wanted to ask a doctor . . .
. . .then Why Do Men Have Nipples? is the book for you.
Compiled by Billy Goldberg, an emergency medicine physician, and Mark Leyner, bestselling author and well-known satirist, Why Do Men Have Nipples? offers real factual and really funny answers to some of the big questions about the oddities of our bodies.
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"My best friend and I had great fun going over some of the more obscure questions in this book tonight. Great if you want to laugh, need some entertainment, or would just like to store some useless facts away to gross your friends out (haha, your urine is safer to drink than sea water! And it's cleaner than your spit! And licking a toad can get you high!)"
— Christina (4 out of 5 stars)
“Urban legends and perennial wonders get a witty treatment in this lighthearted guide to…intriguing aspects of the human body…Those looking for a good laugh will have some fun with this book.”
— Publishers Weekly“Strange, funny, occasionally perverse, and even, at times, informative…Leyner’s delivery is always clear and professional. He often sounds on the verge of laughter, and the presence of such open amusement helps carry listeners over into laughter. As a result, this is probably better on audio than in print.”
— AudioFile" Honest and funny! Great coffee table book, bathroom book, coversation starter for parties! Halarious! "
— Chary, 2/19/2014" I really liked this book. Its a little bit blunt at times and does contain some foul language(the reason for the four star rating and not a five star) but I appreciate the oddities of the human body being answered in a scientific, yet staight forward way. "
— Wendy, 2/3/2014" 100 questions answered by a doctor "
— Sharon, 1/29/2014" I found this book fun and informative. Sure, it was all stuff you could easily Google yourself, but it's the sort of stuff you don't think of when you're in a place where that's convenient. Here, it's all gathered together and organized into chapters by subject matter, so you can peruse at your leisure. The tone is light and the language is accessible and it made me chuckle a time or two. It was definitely worth the two or three hours it took to read it. "
— Rowan, 1/9/2014" Informative, funny (for the most part), and a very quick read. "
— Shikha, 1/6/2014" In short, this book was funny to read and answer a bunch of interesting questions I'd like to know from the beginning. "
— Rama, 12/22/2013" This has a few interesting facts but it's not nearly as good as I expected it to be. The dialogue between the two authors seems pretty pointless and actually makes me wonder how true the rest of the book is... "
— Lynnea, 12/22/2013" What can I say? I think it was an airport buy...and it was funny. "
— Dovie, 12/2/2013" Fun book, but the style was just a bit too sloppy and snotty for my taste and I failed to find the "episodes" between the interesting facts so boring that I skipped them. "
— Regina, 10/26/2013" This book has great questions with the answers...if you want a good laugh or dispell an "old wives tale" this is a great book. "
— Stacey, 10/7/2013" If you haven't read this, pick yourself up a copy and have a laugh. "
— Michael, 8/19/2013Mark Leyner is the author of several novels, including My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist, and Et Tu, Babe. His nonfiction works include Why Do Men Have Nipples?, Why Do Men Fall Asleep after Sex?, and Let’s Play Doctor. Leyner also cowrote the movie War, Inc. with John Cusack.
Billy Goldberg, MD, is an emergency medicine physician at Bellevue Hospital and NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. He is also the host of a weekly show on Sirius Satellite Radio’s Doctor Radio channel.