A provocative, enlightening, twenty-first-century successor to C. S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity, Dinesh D’Souza’s What’s So Great about Christianity is the perfect book for the seeker, the skeptic, and the believer who wants to defend his faith.
Is Christianity obsolete? Can an intelligent, educated person really believe the Bible? Or do the atheists have it right? Here, bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza investigates both Christianity and atheism and their influences on culture to show why there is, indeed, something great about Christianity.
Challenging the assumptions of both believers and doubters, D’Souza demonstrates how Christianity created the framework for modern science and is compatible with the theory of evolution; how Christianity explains consciousness and free will, which atheists have to deny; and why, against all expectations, Christianity is the fastest-growing religion in the world, while secularism and atheism are on the decline. He argues that, ultimately, you can't have Western civilization without the Christianity that gave it birth.
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"An amazing book. Although Dinesh D'Souza is a Christian, he is well versed in history, philosophy, science, and the old classics as well; and he makes his points using arguments from various secular fields. His careful thinking and clear writing clears up many dilemmas surrounding Christianity."
— Sharon (5 out of 5 stars)
“Those who believe in God are at present being subjected to a barrage of atheist propaganda, directed particularly at Christianity. What’s So Great About Christianity is a much-needed response to this offensive. It is wide-ranging, specific, well researched, and dependably accurate. It will be of immense value to all those who wish to defend and uphold the Christian case.”
— Paul Johnson, New York Times bestselling author“Sharp and poignant observations on…freedom and opportunity.”
— Wall Street Journal“Responding to the current epidemic of atheist manifestos, Dinesh D’Souza applies just the right balm for the troubled soul. Assembling arguments from history, philosophy, theology, and science—yes, science!—he builds a modern and compelling case for faith in a loving God. If you’re seeking the truth about God, the universe, and the meaning of life, this is a great place to look.”
— Francis Collins, director of the Human Genome Institute“This is a timely, important, and illuminating work, scholarly in tone, though accessible to a general audience. Agnostics and atheists will not be able to ignore this challenge.”
— Daniel Robinson, Oxford University“With scholarship and eloquence that reminds me of C. S. Lewis, Dinesh D’Souza addresses the urgent questions of our time, such as ‘Is Christianity believable in the face of the discoveries of modern science and modern scholarship?’ His answer is a resounding yes. More than a decisive refutation of atheist attacks, this is a powerful, affirming, genuinely exciting argument for Christianity. You may want to carry this one around with you.”
— Reverend Robert H. Schuller" I'm reading this slowly, doing something I learned to do when reading a book for information: writing a synopsis of each page at the top of the page, then I can go back over that to reinforce what I read. I do not agree with some of his optimism which is a little too ecumenical (he's Roman Catholic) but he does a good job of showing how Christianity benefits the world, and I agree with him that we have much to be optimist about in that Christianity is growing by leaps and bounds in certain parts of the world, such as South America and China, even as it declines in the West. "
— Carmon, 2/16/2014" Good book. It's very broad. Good intro great for the layman wanting to begin their study of defending the christian faith. "
— Hutchins.wayne, 2/13/2014" This book was alot better than I expected. It was well written and interesting. "
— doug, 2/7/2014" Good book in regards to a lot of the arguments about evolution versus intelligent design. I just do not care for the author's politics. "
— A.J., 1/28/2014" Heard a speech by Dinesh and loved it. Just starting this book. "
— Kent, 1/20/2014" I liked it for the most part. "
— Taylor, 12/14/2013" I previously read this book and recently picked it up to review. I love Diesh D'Souza's points and validation of Christianity as an intellectual. "
— Mugsymkelly, 10/1/2013" Good logical rebuttal to Athiest writers of our day. "
— Glen, 9/22/2013" A pretty technical book, but for those that like the technical stuff it is a very interesting book. "
— Eric, 6/3/2013" Another book I really enjoyed but didn't finish before I had to take it back to the library. I read a chapter and then read a couple of fiction books as is often my habit with nonfiction. I want to read the rest of this so I may actually have to buy it. "
— Jane, 3/25/2013Dinesh D’Souza is the author of several books, including the #1 New York Times bestsellers Obama’s America, America), and Hillary’s America. He is also political commentator and filmmaker and a former White House domestic policy analyst and research scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. In 2014, he pleaded guilty to the felony offense of campaign finance fraud and then was pardoned in 2018 by President Donald Trump.
Jeff Riggenbach (1947-2021) narrated numerous titles for Blackstone Audio and won an AudioFile Earphones Award. An author, contributing editor, and producer, he worked in radio in San Francisco for more than thirty years, earning a Golden Mike Award for journalistic excellence.