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What the Bible Says About Positive Living Audiobook

What the Bible Says About Positive Living Audiobook, by Oasis Audio Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: John Patrick Walsh Publisher: Oasis Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.83 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.63 hours at 2.0x Speed Series: The What the Bible Says Series Release Date: February 2010 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781608146321

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

72:58 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

72:58 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

72:58 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

"Pie in the sky by and by," is how many Christians are characterized. We are thought, in other words, to be so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good, to be naïve or simple-mindedly optimistic, unable to face reality. Those critics have a point, at least in highlighting that our sights are set beyond our earthly existence. We know that this life here is not all there is and that God is working out his good plans in us and through us. But they are wrong in assessing our grasp of the human condition: we are not detached and uninvolved with others' pain and hardships or with society's issues and conflicts. God has given us the assignment and responsibility to care and to love and to make a difference in the world. And we take his commands seriously. In fact, because we are affected by our own sins and the sins of others, because we live in a fallen world, and because we want to bring healing and hope to so many desperate people, we can, ourselves, become susceptible to the negativity that surrounds us. Our challenge is to take sin seriously and to face the real world but not be overwhelmed by it. To keep our positive focus while we get our hands dirty in the messy business of helping others.

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About Oasis Audio

Oasis Audio, founded in 1999, is an audio publishing house that sells a wide variety of genres, including inspirational, self-help, Bibles, non-fiction, children’s, and business titles. Oasis Audio currently publishes more than 120 Christian audio titles per year, more than any other audio publisher in the United States.

About John Patrick Walsh

John Patrick Walsh made an auspicious debut as Phil Mickelson’s caddy for the audiobook of the popular golf memoir One Magical Sunday and has since narrated numerous titles in the inspirational, business, and American history categories. Favorite stage and television credits include the Player King in Ethos Theatre Company’s production of Hamlet and the Police Chaplain in ABC’s General Hospital. John lives with his wife and two sons in New Canaan, Connecticut, where he founded VoiceOverWalsh, LLC.