What Makes a Great Coach? Audiobook, by Emma Doyle Play Audiobook Sample

What Makes a Great Coach? Audiobook

What Makes a Great Coach? Audiobook, by Emma Doyle Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Natalie Ashdown Publisher: Open Door Press Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 3.50 hours at 1.5x Speed 2.63 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: April 2023 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9798985245745

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

34:17 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

57 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

17:10 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

To all coaches, leaders, senior managers, sports coaches, and parents: If you want to learn, grow, become better at coaching, and maximize the potential in your players, clients, or team, then this book is for you. Regardless of the work we do or the industry we’re in, as leaders and managers, we need to grow and develop our people, to enable them to achieve high performance. From the front-line manager to the boardroom, it isn't enough to direct and tell people what to do. We need to drive innovation, accountability, and performance in our teams. And that is what this book is all about. Based on extensive research from the world's leading tennis, sport, and business coaches, What Makes a Great Coach? unlocks the secrets from over 500 coaches and the top 10 practices of these coaches. Told through the eyes of Emma's own personal and raw journey towards elite coaching, What Makes a Great Coach? features stories, quotes, and inspiration from past and current coaching legends, including the coaches of many former World No. 1s. What Makes a Great Coach? provides the much-needed authentic, practical, and relatable guide to becoming a better coach. Reviews: Nick Bollettieri, Legendary tennis coach: 'Day in and day out great coaches show up with energy, passion and a commitment to knowing their students and learning all they can to bring out their best. Emma Doyle has demonstrated these qualities since her earliest days of coaching and now she brings them to life in this book. I recommend this book to all coaches who want to grow and develop their students and most importantly, themselves.' Jack Groppel, PhD, Professor, Judson University and Co-founder Human Performance Institute: 'We can all be better coaches and being a better coach means being a constant and consistent learner. This book puts a spotlight on what to focus on, to bring curiosity, passion, and the true love of coaching to our profession. It is inspiring, honest and heartfelt.'

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