The Ultimate Cigar Book: The Ultimate Guide to Cigars for Both Enthusiasts and Beginners Cigar smoking is a time-honored tradition that has been enjoyed by enthusiasts for centuries. Whether you are new to cigar smoking or a seasoned aficionado, there are a few things you should know to enhance your enjoyment of this classic pastime. In this guide to cigar smoking, we will cover the basics of selecting, cutting, and lighting a cigar, as well as tips for storing and maintaining your cigars. This audiobook will cover the following topics: Cigar Smoking 101 What You Need to Know About Cigars Types of Cigars Tips for Using Etiquette When Cigar Smoking How to Age a Cigar A Guide on How You Can Give Cigars as a Gift How to Combine Cigars and Alcohol If you want to learn more about cigar and how best to enjoy it, scroll up and click “add to cart” now!
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