"Science does not need mysticism and mysticism does not need science, but man needs both." —Fritjof Capra, Ph.D. Their paths to the truth could not be more different—but the amazing thing is that, in their own ways, the mystics and the scientists are discovering the same truths about our world. In non-technical language, with no complex mathematics or formulae, this thought-provoking program explores the main concepts and theories of modern physics, the revelations coming from particle accelerators and laboratories—and compares them with the ancient tenets of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. In the process, we gain a clear and fascinating picture of how such seemingly disparate areas of thought are ultimately quests for the same kind of understanding.
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"One of the best books I've ever read. Gives a fundamental understanding of both physics and eastern mysticism. Captivating and fascinating, although technical and frustrating at times. It is physics, after all.. A great introductory book before reading something like The Holographic Universe. Personally, I found this book very fulfilling, both spiritually and intellectually. I would definitely recommend to anyone who is interested in either topic."
— Apryl2010 (5 out of 5 stars)
" Put me to sleep. "
— 6/3/2022" Albert Einstein said " I want to know how God thinks " This book helps to bring you into this realm. A conception of the world in which scientific discoveries can be in perfect harmony with spiritual aims and religious beliefs. "The Way" in which the universe works. Fritof Capra PhD. lucidly analyzes the striking parallels of modern physics with Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism. "
— Dawn, 2/16/2014" So far, I've gotten a quick refresher course in the development of modern physics, something I quickly forgot after college even though we speant 2 years learning about it. It's also a fascinating overview of the different Eastern philosophies that I've always found so interesting. Im now at the part where the author draws parallels between modern physics and the Eastern view of universal connectedness. It's relatively easy to read and fun stuff. "
— Dani, 2/7/2014" A highly readable synopsis of the principle eastern theologies, classic and quantum physics, and what links them. Not deep, but very satisfying for the layman and the hypothesis should intrigue anyone. "
— Mitch, 2/6/2014" One of the three or four most significant books ever in my life. East meets West. The physics of multidimensionality. "
— John, 1/29/2014" The book is a bit heavy in phases. It relates religion to science and that is interesting. I could only sustain my interest till half the book ..coz thats when the electrons etc. got to me. But I'd say it was worth the effort still. Unique book. "
— Aditi, 1/18/2014" wonderful for those who are scientifically minded but have a spiritual sense about themselves. "
— 4, 1/17/2014" Too much about religion. The physics section is much more interesting. "
— Ann, 1/16/2014" Eastern philosophy is not a singular concept - it consists of many schools of thought; some of which the author has conveniently cherry-picked and force fit to draw parallels with Quantum Physics. Still an interesting read though. "
— Piyush, 1/10/2014" interesting mix of science and mysticism, take it with a pinch of salt "
— Shahin, 1/9/2014" Dated, but still a seminal work in bringing together concepts from quantum physics and the more metaphysical religions. "
— George, 11/25/2013Michael McConnohie has appeared in soap operas, cartoons, prime-time television, and on stage. His audiobook readings have ranged from true crime to history, biography, science, self-help, and poetry. He has seen much of the world as a supervisor of foreign versions of major American films and has written and directed English versions of many prominent foreign films. He believes that a good book is a friend you can visit over and over again and always enjoy the conversation.