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The Stuff: Unlock Your Power to Overcome Challenges, Soar, and Succeed Audiobook

The Stuff: Unlock Your Power to Overcome Challenges, Soar, and Succeed Audiobook, by Sampson Davis Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Sampson Davis, Sharlee Jeter Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 5.83 hours at 1.5x Speed 4.38 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: May 2018 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781508255291

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

13:08 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

13 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

07:19 minutes

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Publisher Description

“Sampson and Sharlee’s message of the power of positivity, hard work, and resilience is one that we need to hear right now.” —Chris Gardner, #1 New York Times bestselling The Pursuit of Happyness

Everyone has difficult moments in life. But everyone also has the Stuff to overcome hardships, to survive and thrive.

Learn how to better access and hone the eleven core elements of the Stuff and be inspired by the real-world stories of triumph in this practical book by New York Times bestselling author Dr. Sampson Davis (The Pact, Living and Dying in Brick City) and Sharlee Jeter (Turn 2 Foundation).

Everyone has those moments in life when they’re truly tested, when they wonder if they have the strength to overcome the challenges before them. We’ve all heard stories of people who have risen up in the face of the unimaginable. But not everyone believes that they have what it takes to do the same.

However, what we need to realize our own potential—to fight for what we want our lives to be—already resides within each of us. You already have the Stuff. Learning how to develop and harness it is the key.

Survivors themselves, Dr. Sampson Davis and Sharlee Jeter have created The Stuff Movement, interviewing dozens of people to find the common threads that enabled them to triumph over their challenges. Through the powerful stories of people who overcame cancer, poverty, toxic relationships, racism, violence, career roadblocks, and other obstacles big and small—The Stuff highlights eleven core elements that will help you not only survive but thrive in spite of life’s difficulties. These elements are as easy to understand as they are to enact—presented in plain talk, without judgment, and with compassion for the everyday challenges people face.

As Dr. Davis and Sharlee share stories of the amazing people who’ve shown their Stuff, you’ll find that unearthing the same Stuff within yourself is a process as rewarding as it is important—and you’ll never say you can’t do it again.

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Featuring stories about John O’Leary (On Fire), Mercy Alexander, Rich Ruffalo, Mindee Hardin, Glenn and Cara O’Neill, Sean Swarner, Traci Micheline, Wess Stafford (Too Small to Ignore), Austin Hatch, Debra Peppers, Christine Magnus Moore, Martha Hawkins, Ali Stroker (Glee), Susan Scott Krabacher, Deval Patrick, and more.

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“Sampson and Sharlee’s message of the power of positivity, hard work, and resilience is one that we need to hear right now.”

— Chris Gardner, #1 New York Times bestselling author

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About the Authors

Sampson Davis was born and raised in Newark, New Jersey. He is a board-certified emergency medicine physician and coauthor of the New York Times bestsellers The Pact, We Beat the Street, and The Bond. He is the youngest physician to receive the National Medical Association’s highest honor, the Scroll of Merit. He is a recipient of Essence and BET humanitarian awards and was named by Essence as one of the forty most inspirational African Americans. He is a founder of the Three Doctors Foundation and practices medicine in New Jersey.

Sharlee Jeter is the president of the Turn 2 Foundation, which was established by her brother, baseball legend Derek Jeter. The Foundation has successfully channeled fundraising power into results as demonstrated by its signature initiative, Jeter’s Leaders, a leadership development program for high school students. Sharlee also oversees the children’s division of Jeter Publishing, which has published New York Times bestsellers The Contract and its follow up, Hit & Miss.