The Servant Economy: Where Americas Elite is Sending the Middle Class Audiobook, by Jeff Faux Play Audiobook Sample

The Servant Economy: Where America's Elite is Sending the Middle Class Audiobook

The Servant Economy: Where Americas Elite is Sending the Middle Class Audiobook, by Jeff Faux Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Jim Seybert Publisher: Dreamscape Media Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 7.17 hours at 1.5x Speed 5.38 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: August 2020 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781666541861

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

73:59 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

37:37 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

53:41 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

America's political and economic elite spent so long making such terrible decisions that they caused the collapse of 2008. So how can they continue down the same road? The simple answer that no one in charge wants to publicly acknowledge is that things are still pretty great for the people who run America. It was an accident of history, Jeff Faux explains, that after World War II the U.S. could afford a prosperous middle class, a dominant military, and a booming economic elite at the same time. For the past three decades, all three have been competing, with the middle class always losing. Soon the military will decline as well. Faux's last book, The Global Class War, sold over 20,000 copies by correctly predicting the permanent decline of our debt-burdened middle class at the hands of our off-shoring executives, out-of-control financiers, and their friends in Washington. Since his last book, Faux is repeatedly asked what either party will do to face these mounting crises. After looking over actual policies, proposed plans, non-partisan reports, and think-tank papers, his astonishing conclusion is that they’ll just do more of the same.

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About Jim Seybert

Jim Seybert has worked as a radio announcer, talk show host, and television producer. He also spent many years as business development vice president at an association of independent retail stores. Today, he maintains a private consulting practice and works with companies in many industries, helping them find new ways to do things. A frequent speaker and seminar leader, he has shared his ideas and expertise with the National Center for Database Marketing, Direct Marketing Association, Christian Management Association, Gospel Music Association, and Biola University’s Executive MBA program, where he is a frequent lecturer.