The Scoop Sisters: Case Book 1: A Collection of Crime from the Northlands Mavens of Mystery Audiobook, by Icebox Radio Theater Play Audiobook Sample

The Scoop Sisters: Case Book 1: A Collection of Crime from the Northland's Mavens of Mystery Audiobook

The Scoop Sisters: Case Book 1: A Collection of Crime from the Northlands Mavens of Mystery Audiobook, by Icebox Radio Theater Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Unspecified Publisher: Icebox Radio Theater Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 2.33 hours at 1.5x Speed 1.75 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: June 2012 Format: Original Staging Audiobook ISBN:

Publisher Description

Up north on the very edge of America is the town of Icebox, Minnesota. And in tiny Icebox there is a family of three lovely ladies; a daughter, a mother, and a grandmother who together run the local newspaper. And trouble simply cannot leave these three Scoop Sisters alone.

One: Fourth Estate Sale, part one, The Pilot Episode: When a woman loses her job, her marriage, and everything but her daughter and the clothes on her back, there's nothing to do but return home to her hippie mother and her new newspaper.

Two: Fourth Estate Sale, Part 23, Foundation Logic: The Scoop Sisters are back. When a local family forms a community foundation to help people, everything seems fine until a long-lost half brother throws a monkey wrench into things. Can the Scoops get things straightened out before the foundation's logic goes all haywire?

Four: New School Blues, part one: Those mavens of mystery are back. When Mary struggles with a difficult teacher, the Sisters' attempts to understand what's what leads to a full-scale investigation!

Five: New School Blues, part 26: The Spook Skiff: Those mavens of mystery are back with a special Scare-Season offering! The owner of a local boat needs help promoting it as a haunted vessel complete with real ghost. But what secrets does the ship-bound spectre hold, and how does it all involve The Scoop Sisters!

Seven: Wanted: Man!: The Scoop Sisters return with another exciting adventure. Personal ads are a new thing for the Sister's newspaper, but when the first ad works a little too well, a mystery unfolds that needs the girl's special attention.

Eight: Faster, Pussycat! Steal! Steal!: When a retired jewel thief moves to tiny Icebox, Minnesota, Mel is understandably wary. But when his treasured cat turns up missing, Jasmine and Mary rush to help.

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