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The Science and Practice of Humility: The Path to Ultimate Freedom Audiobook

The Science and Practice of Humility: The Path to Ultimate Freedom Audiobook, by Jason Gregory Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Michael Ellick Publisher: Inner Traditions Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 3.83 hours at 1.5x Speed 2.88 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: September 2022 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781644118108

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

37:17 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

13 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

20:18 minutes

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Publisher Description

Humility, being open and receptive to all experience, is the key to becoming one with the spontaneous patterns of the universe

• Integrates classic teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism with principles of quantum physics to reveal the science of the enlightened masters

• Reveals how we are each capable of shifting from the aggressive path of the warrior to the humble path of the sage

• Explains how the key to catching the current acceleration of conscious evolution is humility

From Krishna and Lao-tzu to Buddha and Jesus, each enlightened master discovered how being receptive to all experience was the key to becoming one with the universe and its spontaneous patterns of order and chaos. Revealing humility as the purest expression of this receptivity, Jason Gregory integrates classic teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Hermeticism with principles from quantum physics to explain the science of humility as practiced by the ancient masters.

The author shows how, driven by fear, the human mind creates the ego. In its greedy and arrogant quest to protect the self and its desires, the ego forges the illusion of separation, weaving complex patterns of reality that shield us from our unity with all beings and result in attitudes of aggression, selfishness, and competition. He reveals how the iconic clash between this complex, aggressive “path of the warrior” and the simple “path of the sage” is reflected in the polarized state of the modern world. Yet this state also reflects the accelerating wave of conscious evolution we are now experiencing. The key to catching this evolutionary wave is humility: the reversal of complexity into simplicity, the ancient science of mental alchemy that represents the Great Work of Eternity.

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"With the clarity of an eagle soaring in the still peace of a clear blue sky, Jason Gregory offers us an important work in the development of a vision of unity and peace. The Science and Practice of Humility is a revelation, speaking to that inner knowing that has never been separate from who we are and have always been. Gregory’s style is both intellectually stimulating and personally evocative. This book is a treasure to hold in two hands: to ponder, to enjoy, and to allow its alchemy to call upon that which is our best, and our salvation.”"


  • Asserting that sages, both ancient and modern, share the quality of humility, Gregory says this virtue is the key to ultimate liberation. The teacher, speaker, and documentary filmmaker draws from Asian philosophies, Hermeticism, and a variety of other spiritual sources to “show a clear understanding of what spiritual evolution and illumined consciousness really mean.” Gregory’s source materials reveal broad knowledge...”

  • The Science and Practice of Humility is a very thoughtful and wise treatise on the nature of reality, with inspiration for our spiritual unfoldment.”

  • A profound and important book. From his exploration of Hermetic principles and the true meaning of alchemy, to his deconstruction of false ideas of manifesting wishes, Jason Gregory makes a unique contribution to an evolving philosophy for the 21st century. This eminently readable and thought-provoking book renders a service to us all.”

  • The Science and Practice of Humility acts as a bridge between East and West by presenting Oriental wisdom to the modern world. This is a profound book with a simple and clear explanation of some of the classic concepts of Oriental philosophy.”

  • Jason Gregory’s richly woven treatise encourages the reader to go beyond intellectualizing and to enter a realm of sincere introspection toward a liberation of the self. Gregory persuasively reminds us that evolution begins through one’s own humility. The Science and Practice of Humility is a compelling read for all those seeking the threads of Truth behind the tapestry that is life.”

  • When one truly realizes the warrior mind and how it operates, it will then cease to be a part of you and peace will emerge. This is the true gift of The Science and Practice of Humility.”

  • With an in-depth discussion of the underlying ethos of the spiritual arts, The Science and Practice of Humility is a must read.”

  • Jason Gregory has outdone himself. The Science and Practice of Humility has given me two great moments of insight in the past month that have led to a major leap in maturity and stillness. Take time with each line in this book, and you will understand what I mean.”

  • A wide ranging comprehensive exploration of the human condition, drawing on history and the wisdom of many cultures. Jason Gregory helps us to see our shadow side, and then points our gaze toward the light, the evolution of consciousness, and the healing of life on earth.”

  • Humility may be one of the most misunderstood states of being, and one of the most powerful kinds of consciousness. This book penetrates through superficial concepts to give you a much deeper experience of this way of being in the world. I like how the book connects humility and truth, and that Jason Gregory gives us a thorough background in global teachings that support the development of the frequency of humility.”

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