In the sequel to Rats, Bats & Vats, the team of mentally gifted bats and rats, accompanied by their human leader, sets out to persuade an incompetent military bureaucracy that they are about to be invaded by a powerful alien conspiracy, joining forces with Fluff, the pet of one of the colony's ruling class, to save the world.
Contains mature themes.
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Eric Flint is a modern master of alternate history fiction, with three million books in print. He is the author and creator of the bestselling Ring of Fire series, starting with the novel 1632. He was for many years a labor union activist. He lives near Chicago, Illinois.
Dave Freer is an ichthyologist-turned-author who lives on Flinders Island (between mainland Australia and Tasmania) with his wife, four dogs, four cats, and two sons. He is the author of the Dragon’s Ring series, and coauthor, of several titles with Eric Flint.
James Fouhey is an actor and narrator living in New York City. He received classical training at Boston University and the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts. He has recorded more than forty audiobooks across a variety of genres, including science fiction, romance, young adult fiction, and children’s fiction.