There's good news for those that rage at the evening news, shake their heads at Washington's business-as-usual, or watch as politicians carom from social crisis to political crisis to economic crisis: Dennis Miller is back, and he means to shake the nation by its lapels. Miller respects no boundaries. Whether the subject is dope-addled baseball players who can no longer swing their bats, do-nothing politicians who devote their careers to creating meaningful sound bites, or the nation's resigned acceptance of violence as a way of American life, these thematically arranged monologues are funny and angry. More significantly, they shatter the conventions of comedy by simultaneously making us laugh, think, and seethe.
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"In the spirit of full disclosure, I'm a huge Dennis Miller fan. The transcripts from his famous "rants" contained in this book require that you have both a thesaurus at-hand and a healthy knowledge of pop culture or Dennis' snarkiness will make a whooshing noise as it travels over your head at the speed of light and splatters on the wall behind you. I could do with the f-bomb leitmotif but that is what my filter is for."
— Todd (4 out of 5 stars)
" I can't get enough of Dennis Miller. I loved this book and all the other rant books. "
— Glenn, 2/13/2014" I was always a big fan of Dennis Miller's show and looked forward to the rant every week. I still laughed reading through all of these but was a bit disappointed to find that they were all rants he had done on the show - nothing new. "
— Kacie, 2/12/2014" Pre-GOP Dennis Miller is pretty hard to beat. "
— Troy, 2/2/2014" I like Dennis Miller. I think that he is very funny in a smart kind of way. The tirades that he goes on are near genius, and I agree alot with what he says. My issues with this particular book was how he said it. I listened to the audio version of this book, and found myself distinctly uncomfortable with his liberal use of the "f" word. When reading a book with a sprinkling of this word can be somewhat overlooked, but hearing it spoken loudly and frequently I just couldn't overlook it. I felt that I was being repeatedly slapped in the face. I did not finish the book, and will not read the others in this series. I didn't mean to get off on a rant, and "this is just my opinion, I could be wrong!" "
— Stacey, 1/27/2014" one-liners galore..."in my way of thinking, neighbors are like hair plugs, the less you notice them, the better." :) "
— Kevin, 1/20/2014" "Voting nowadays is like choosing between the 2 a.m. showing of Beastmaster on Showtime and the 2 a.m. showing of Beastmaster 2 on Cinemax." "
— Matt, 1/19/2014" Huge Dennis Miller fan both when he was a liberal and now as a conservative. Spoiler he was a liberal when he wrote this. "
— Timothy, 1/11/2014" Ah good ol' Denny in his prime. Before MNF, before joining the dark side, before becoming about as relevant as Milli Vanilli. "
— Bill, 1/10/2014" I liked Miller when he was on SNL and when he had his own HBO show... not so much now that he's a commercial-filming conservative sellout. I haven't gone back and read these in a few years, so I'm not sure if I still like them or not. But I found them funny at the time. "
— Randy, 1/6/2014" Genius. Better as standup, but still genius. "
— Michael, 12/27/2013" before he went to the dark side "
— David, 11/16/2013Dennis Miller is an American stand-up comedian, political commentator,, and television/radio personality. He rose to fame as a cast member of Saturday Night Live in the late 1980s, and subsequently hosted a string of his own talk shows on HBO, CNBC, and in syndication. He currently hosts a daily, three-hour, self-titled talk radio program, nationally syndicated by Westwood One.