In The Preservationist, Dave Maine tells the story of Noe who has been called by God to build a boat and collect two of every animal on earth to be saved from a coming deluge.
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"The Noah's ark story, told from varying perspectives. You will laugh out loud! Thought provoking, edifying, gratifying, it is an excellent example of the use of voice in writing, as each chapter told by a different character has differences in tone, word usage, and attitude. I loved it. "
— Tamara (4 out of 5 stars)
" Excellent retelling of the Bible story of Noah's Ark from the point of view of Noah's wife. "
— Mary, 1/31/2014" I really didn't think I was going to like this book but it sucked me in. Kind of an interesting concept, to imagine what it would have been like to be Noah and have to figure out this whole ark business. "
— Lisa, 1/8/2014" So cleverly and simply written. I expected something more "heavy" and complex, I guess because of the bible connection. But I thoroughly enjoyed the smart way the story was told, and found it a memorable and easy read. "
— Deandrea, 12/25/2013" I really enjoyed the story and the deeper look at the characters - but couldn't help compare this to Fallen. It does make me want to read more by David Maine. "
— Sam, 12/23/2013" Noe and the Flood retold in a completely refreshing way. Powerful language. Short, well-crafted sentences. Gentle humor. Characters you come to know and love. All in a slim book for a long weekend. Enjoy! "
— Art, 12/15/2013" A very thoughtful, humorous retelling of the story of Noah and how we all got here. "
— Sarah, 12/10/2013" it was a fun read about noah's ark. i actually learned alot. "
— Amy, 12/5/2013" I had very high hopes for this book, which were dashed against the rocks fairly quickly. Mainly I didn't understand why every other page had a sex scene; I get that there wasn't much in the way of entertainment in Noah's day, but still. It took a beautiful story and made it vulgar. "
— Bethany, 11/29/2013" A funny novel about the story of Noah. "
— Nicole, 11/25/2013" i think if either maine had cut a lot of the sex out or if parents cared less about their kids reading about sexuality, this would eventually, inevitably become required reading. it's a great book. very deep, very entertaining. "
— L., 9/7/2013" A retelling of the story of Noah. Though there were some playful elements I liked, The overall tone didn't work--it kept almost working, then not quite getting there. It was engaging enough to keep me listening, but not quite enjoyable enough to recommend. "
— Osho, 7/15/2013David Maine was born and raised in Connecticut but spent much of his life living in Morocco and Pakistan. His first novel was The Preservationist, a retelling of the Noah story from Genesis. This was followed by Fallen, which re-examined the stories of Eve and Adam and Abel and Cain. His is also the author of The Gamble of the Godless.
John Randolph Jones is a voice talent and audiobook narrator.
Téa Obreht was born in Belgrade in the former Yugoslavia in 1985 and has lived in the United States since the age of twelve. Her writing has been published in the New Yorker, the Atlantic, Harper’s, and the Guardian, and has been anthologized in The Best American Short Stories and The Best American Nonrequired Reading. She has been named by the New Yorker as one of the twenty best American fiction writers under forty. She lives in New York.