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The Overcomers: God's Vision for You to Thrive in an Age of Anxiety and Outrage Audiobook

The Overcomers: Gods Vision for You to Thrive in an Age of Anxiety and Outrage Audiobook, by Matt Chandler Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Matt Chandler Publisher: Thomas Nelson Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 5.50 hours at 1.5x Speed 4.13 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: April 2024 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781400344291

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

53:23 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

06 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

27:39 minutes

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Publisher Description

Read by the author.

Are you ready to live with intention and adjust your mindset to be fully equipped to handle anything life throws at you? Join Pastor Matt Chandler as he leads you through the book of Revelation chapter-by-chapter and encourages Christians to build mental fortitude knowing that God called you for such a time as this. Using historical examples, The Overcomers will put steel in the spines of believers and remind them of the fierce, conquering, commanding authority of God over all the earth.

You were made for this exact moment in human history. Things may look gloomy, and you may feel discouraged, but because of the promise and hope found in Scripture, you can be brave, confident, and victorious today!

The apostle John wrote his letter to a certain group of people in a particular place at a specific time. Although it was written to them, it was also written for us. The Overcomers takes a chapter-by-chapter view of Revelation rather than a line-by-line deep dive, helping readers practically understand what God wants to say to us today through this extraordinary book written thousands of years ago. He also talks about how we should view current events, knowing that the writers of the New Testament understood themselves to be living in the “end times” or “last days.”

Believers will be reminded that they are uniquely wired and uniquely placed in this moment in history as part of God’s big plan to push back darkness and to establish light. Christ has overcome, and in Him we, too, are the overcomers! In this book, believers will:

  • Find courage and confidence from fellow believers who have gone before us.
  • Feel empowered as God reminds them of His promises fulfilled and yet to come.
  • Understand the strategies, tactics, and deceptions Satan uses to try to keep us paralyzed with anxiety and fear.
  • Build up their mental strength by intentionally living their life for God and mindfully pursuing the light of the world
  • Study the book of Revelation and how God uses it to encourage His people through dark times and hardships

In The Overcomers, Matt Chandler reminds readers that they don’t have to be anxious or afraid of anything in the present or in the future because both have already been won. We are not victims but overcomers—and we are a key part of what God is working out in our day. God is at work in the mess, just as He has always been, and He continues to accomplish His purpose of seeking and saving the lost.

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"More than ever we need guides who will lead us to stare unflinchingly at the depths of our depravity and then gently lead us to see the incomprehensible heights of God's glory and love. Matt has expertly shepherded people, myself included, over this terrain for decades. I am so glad he has put those words down on these pages. His passion for Scripture and his compassion for people echoes loudly as he guides the reader through the book of Revelation. This book is saturated with glorious hope, and will leave readers awake, alive, and encouraged to believe they are called by King Jesus to be Overcomers."


  • Compelling. Timely. Empowering. In an age of anxiety and uncertainty, Matt Chandler masterfully leads through the book of Revelation to encourage believers that we have been intentionally placed in this moment in history to push back the darkness of this day. We can walk in the victory we have in Jesus--the coming King who is not only our hope for tomorrow, but our hope for today. If you've felt discouraged and are looking for a book to light a fire in your heart, then The Overcomer for you.

  • If you have ever been afraid of the future as a Christian or scared to take a deep dive into the book of Revelation, The Overcomers is a great place to start. Matt Chandler's voice has a microphone in my life, because I always know He will tell it like it is, and speak the truth. You will feel this throughout the book as He writes about scripture, God's promises for the end times, biblical truths, and how to live a victorious life in God.

  • In a world with increasing anxiety and fear, what we long for is the promise of stability. Pastor Matt points us to the source of true and lasting stability in Jesus throughout the pages of 'Overcomers.' Through a helpful, accessible, and substantive theological exploration of an often neglected book of the Bible, Revelation; Matt reminds believers today that we join a long legacy of overcomers who have put their trust in the Messiah, Jesus. This is a book we need today, not someday.

  • Prepare to be profoundly moved and empowered! This soul-stirring book unveils the extraordinary potential we have in Christ, compelling us to seize our true identity with courage and unwavering faith. Matt's captivating stories and insightful wisdom remind us of what is possible when we align with God's divine purpose. Everyone who reads this will be encouraged and inspired!

  • Read this book. Just do it. You'll be reminded that you get to play a little part in the epic story of God's plan to save the world. Whatever you have gone through, God wants to use you to bring love and hope into our broken world.

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About Matt Chandler

Matt Chandler serves as lead pastor of teaching at the Village Church in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. He was involved in changing the theological and philosophical culture of the congregation, and the church has witnessed a tremendous response, growing from 160 people to over 11,000, with campuses in Flower Mound, Dallas, and Denton. Chandler is involved in church planting efforts both locally and internationally through the Village and various strategic partnerships. Prior to accepting the pastorate at the Village, he had a vibrant itinerant ministry for over ten years where he spoke to thousands of people in America and abroad about the glory of God and the beauty of Jesus. He was recently named president of Acts 29, a worldwide church-planting organization.