This is the story of a unique American hero who came of age as an astronaut during the few dramatic years when man reached the moon. Cernan's career spanned the entire Apollo program, from the tragic fire that killed three of his comrades on Apollo 1, through the moment when he left man's last footprint on the moon as commander of Apollo 17.
This is the inside story of how space was conquered, and at what price. Cernan writes candidly not only about the program, but about the high divorce rate among the astronauts, the loss of family privacy that came with celebrity, and the ever-present shadows of death and failure.
"With the feeling of a story recalled among friends, this is an appealing down to earth account of the last man to walk on the moon…loved the book." —Ron Howard, Director, Apollo 13
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"Easy to read but comprehensive... a detailed look at the space program from Cernan's point of view. This is Gemini and Apollo as he experienced it. All the things that went on behind the scenes in this remarkable endeavor are revealed here. Informative and enjoyable to read."
— Jim (4 out of 5 stars)
" Another brick in the Apollo story. "
— alpha01, 1/25/2014" Fantastic book, delivers a personal side to the space race, as well as explaining some of the inside information. If you lived through these times -- read this book. If you were born after these times -- read this book. "
— Kim, 12/27/2013" Personal account of 3 early space flights. I recently visited the Kennedy Space Center, so it brought a lot of what I learned and saw there to life. "
— Jean, 12/13/2013" Having grown up in the Houston area adjacent to NASA HQ during the 60's, this was a very meaningful book for me. I have read numerous others as well but this one was very behind the scenes. "
— Jim, 12/5/2013" Reading books like this just makes me frustrated to live in a country that doesn't prioritize science and basic research enough to have continued making trips to the moon... or even low earth orbit on the Space Shuttle. I guess my generation just has to tough it out on Earth. "
— AJ, 10/19/2013" One of the most approachable, readable and entertaining astronaut books I have read, along with Michael Collins's "
— Gert-Jan, 9/7/2013" An interesting account of America's space program from the last human being to walk on the moon. "
— Michael, 4/10/2013" This was probably the most entertaining of all the bio's of astronaunts I have read. Very insightful book about the life and the journey of the last man to stand on the moon. A great read for anyone who is interested in this time in our country's history. "
— Todd, 2/4/2013" Best non-fiction/autobiography I've read in some time. If you have any interest whatsoever in the space program from it's beginning to end, Gene Cernan's book is a page-turner you can't put down. Outstanding. "
— Alan, 2/20/2012" This was the first biography I remember reading and it was worth it. There is a lot of things explained and answers to questios that I hadn't even thought to ask. "
— Vandol7, 2/7/2012" It's been a while since I read this one. As I recall it is a good account of the trip to the moon and the exploration of it. "
— Ken, 12/17/2011