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The Job: An American Novel Audiobook

The Job: An American Novel Audiobook, by Sinclair Lewis Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Jim Seybert Publisher: Spoken Realms Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 7.00 hours at 1.5x Speed 5.25 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: January 2020 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781094148618

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

61:44 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

12 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

25:29 minutes

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Publisher Description

The Job is an early work by American novelist Sinclair Lewis. It is considered an early declaration of the rights of working women.

Despite the traditional expectations of marriage placed on Una Golden in her small Pennsylvania town, she travels to New York to work due to a family illness. But once there, Una discovers a talent for the traditional male bastion of commercial real estate.

However, while her company claims to value her work, Una struggles to achieve the same status of her male coworkers. Her unique role as a working woman, doing a man’s job, becomes a challenge in finding an appropriate suitor when Una decides it is time to marry after all, and an even greater challenge when she decides it may be time to end the marriage she eventually achieves. 

First published in 1917 before Lewis achieved any significant fame, The Job is now seen as an early classic of a celebrated author, as well as a literary vanguard for its female lead character and its early declaration and examination of the rights of working women, issues still being grappled with a century later.

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"[If] there was ever a novelist among us with an authentic call to the trade…it is this red-haired tornado from the Minnesota wilds.”

— H. L. Mencken, praise for the author

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About Sinclair Lewis

Harry Sinclair Lewis (1885–1951), the son of a country doctor, was born in Sauk Centre, Minnesota. He attended Yale University, where he was editor of the literary magazine, and graduated in 1907. After a few of his stories had appeared in magazines and his first novel, Our Mr. Wrenn (1914), had been published, he was able to write full time. He was awarded the 1926 Pulitzer Prize for Arrowsmith (1925) but refused to accept the honor. However, he accepted the Nobel Prize awarded him in 1930. He was the first American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.

About Jim Seybert

Jim Seybert has worked as a radio announcer, talk show host, and television producer. He also spent many years as business development vice president at an association of independent retail stores. Today, he maintains a private consulting practice and works with companies in many industries, helping them find new ways to do things. A frequent speaker and seminar leader, he has shared his ideas and expertise with the National Center for Database Marketing, Direct Marketing Association, Christian Management Association, Gospel Music Association, and Biola University’s Executive MBA program, where he is a frequent lecturer.